Pitch your startup to the world.
Founder Fridays City Competition
How It Works:
Sign up to host or attend an event on River.
2. Each city will select a company to pitch in the tournament.3. The Final Four companies will have the opportunity to pitch live on This Week in Startups.
Save the dates
This is up to your city to decide! Some idea from participating chapters are:
Have everyone attending vote (and you can’t vote for yourself!)
Bring in an established angel investor/seasoned founder to be an objective judge.
No, if you have a 2 minute pitch and a product (or idea) that delights customers, you can pitch at a local meetup for a chance to be featured on TWiST!
No, each city must select one representative to move forward.
Yes, the representative for your city must be chosen through a Founder Fridays event.
Some tips we suggest following are:
Start the pitch with your strongest asset.
Highlight why your product stands out from competitors.
Keep the pitch concise and direct to avoid sounding “salesy”.
To see some pitch examples, check out the LAUNCH Accelerator Cohort 32 Demo Day.
Reach out to the team at founderfridays@launch.co